Foster's Other Post-Scooter Businesses

Foster finally found success with his automatic clutch and transmission business - based on technology that he developed for the Motor Glide. But success didn't come quickly for Foster. Foster had a number of diverse businesses going under the umbrella of the Salsbury Corporation. We don't know how much any of these business made - probably not a lot. But these businesses help keep the Salsbury Corporation lights on, and keep people employed. So we will touch on them briefly here.

The Tire Business

For years Foster manufactured equipment related to the tire retread business. An evolutionary dead end (except for truck tires) after radial tires hit the scene, but Foster had sold his business before that. A picture is worth a thousand words….

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The Irontite - Cracked Cylinder Head Business

Foster apparently came across a pretty good way to repair automotive and railroad cylinder heads. Here are a couple of ads and the cover of a 1961 training manual on covering the Irontite Motor Seal System.

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The Air Hammer Business

Foster was in the air hammer business for a long time, maybe back to the Motor Glide days. Every now and then a Salsbury air hammer pops up on ebay. Haven't bought one yet - hopefully never will.

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The Electrical Connector Businesses

And, finally, we have the Salsbury Electrical Connector business. Don't have any idea how valuable this product might have been for Foster. But Foster came up with this during WWII, and Foster thought the connector was so important to the war effort that he gave all rights to the invention to the US Government. While Foster businesses always seemed undercapitalized, Foster still put country ahead of personal profit.

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©Russ Uzes and Scott Doering/Contact Us
Russ and Scott are always looking for Salsbury Scooters - Motor Glides and Model 85s
We are also looking for Salsbury Scooter historical items - brochures, pictures, service manuals and other memorabilia